My Loss

My Loss


I'll remember the moment I hear

The one I love, held most dear

Always there for me, now no longer here 

Guess life's not fair


It pains to lose the one I care

A loss as this, how do I bear

I look in the mirror, continually stare

Missing you my dear, wishing you were here


A life well lived, now nothing to fear

Faced your final moments as few would dare

Sound of your voice still rings in my ear

Reminds me to press on, live with prayer


I knew this fateful moment would come

When from this life you will depart

Now only memories, awash my heart

You gave it all, nothing you spare

Guess that's life's lessons, beware


For all the love you had 

An enemy much stronger

Has seperated us, yet Another Love 

Much Stronger will unite us again 


Lessons you taught me I'll carry on

Such love and devotion, my dearest one

Next to God, you were my everything

I'm left to live, to remember, to think


A life is filled with hills and vales

Yet to drink of your stream, never fails 

A lifetime you lived, I'll never prepare

The loss I feel, not having you here


One day we'll meet over there

In a place where life blooms

No more pain, death; joy for gloom

Where there's nothing to care

Love's so common, it's all we share


In the mean time I'll keep on living

We'll meet over there, in a land so fair

Amidst eternal flowers, that perfume the air

With joy we'll say to each other, "we are finally here!" 

Our gain. 


Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.