How can this be, when tears fell as rain to quench our thirst?
Countless galaxies shone from starry faces, beheld us at birth
This air we breathed, that loved us enough to stay
Time and all, intelligently designed, stood still to adore, not look away
How can we not know how greater these temples are?
Not made by mere mortal hands, know they'll someday, decay
Unlike those, wasting away, decorating many lands
Greater is this earthen vessel, that houses a treasured essence
How can those of lesser status be so well-known
Yet, for minds to think, choose, pursue, imagine, suggest
Yet, not fully comprehend the folly of existing, without the essence of living
Still, for a mind given, not acknowledge its authorship
How can we not know, above and beyond all, is One
An ever presence, mindful to feed the minutest of creatures
Monuments erected to be covered in dust, where we buried our trust
Oh foolish at heart swimming in vain imaginations that offer no salvation
How can we be touched, awakened to life, also known before our coming forth
Every night all lay in silence, as watched over by One
Awakened not by roosters, clocks, to face a rising sun
Such affront accentuates the delusions that capture minds
Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.