This Skin I'm In

This Skin I'm In


Is it me or is it sin

It's the only one I've got 

Given to me to live in

I had no part when it was given

Given a choice in the matter

I'd say yes, give it a shot 

Or something, provide me not


Yet I came with this skin 

The one I'm in 

The one I have just like you

All born with one, nothing I can do

I can choose to love it, hate it

Just because of how others feel about it

Or just simply accept what I came in

Loving me first, for what I had no choice

Just rejoice, for the skin I'm born in


When I came into the view 

This is the only one I knew

Don't need another, person, dinner

Telling me what to do

For each of us looking at what we got

Has an issue with someone's hue


For if I allow another dinner like me

To get into my head, I'll be dead

I'd never come to the place, to ever love me

To accept the skin, I've been born in

Remember everyone got one

That's born under the sun 

Wherever I am whether near or far 

They tell me it's better to change it

You'll be more accepted, loved, the lighter you are 


At the end of it all, as I can recall

It's all transactional, business as usual

Others will profit and continue to do

If I cannot live and love this beautiful hue

Come to think of it, it's all one skin

Just a game being played by men made

Caught up in a charade, in pigmentation parade

If I would be honest, while I want to lighten it

Others choose to tann it

Just accept the matter all born in sin

To love myself first and the skin I'm born in


So the next time I look in the mirror 

And see what looks back at me

While others hate me for what I've got

I'll not gonna allow a sinner like me 

Like all men so insecure, I'd love this more

I'd touch it, cream it, jiggle it, even love on it

We can all do that, yes we can

Cause we had no choice when we came into sin

Just love this skin I've been born in


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Life, Mortality, Existential

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.