


To what end was I presented 

When I a simpleton of a specimen

Dare to doubt the beauty of my coming forth

Dare to know the treasure of this earthen vessel


Yet for all that is of such value, I asked

What is man, what am I to be mindful of?

Thoughts from infinity harbored, nurtured me

In the secret places, I was seen, foreknown 

There is more to me than greets the eyes


I didn't just appear one fine day

Not simply ushered into time and space 

Told that I'm part of a human race

Fashioned and known was I before time 

In the heart of the eternal dwelling outside of time


It is needful to see that there is more to me

I'm of eternal value, though thoughts come

They beg of me to escape, to become free

The existence of pain turned inward 

I'll take my power to end it all, bring forward


Then I'll be free to be what I could never be

Yet freedom will always come with a price 

Will I allow this pain to bring me to the place

A mental place where I can see the value 

The priceless treasure that's in this earthen vessel


A world awaits my existence, to live my presence

As only I can live as expected to be in eternal realms

While I can't see how I can be the difference 

How I am like none ever, now or after

It finally dawns like any day that's lived 

A world awaits to see what eternity has to offer

Related Topics
Reflective, Melancholy, Life, Loss

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.