


Extracted from eternity to a place in time

I'm here, along with me, something I hear

My essence in innocence must I share

Hearts await with bated breath; everywhere 

Tempted am I, I ask myself, who will care

Who's here, that truly cares what I hear

Though so rare, I was placed to share

While unique, only mine, a presence in my time

My burden to bear, my purpose to share

Unlike that of anyone, all the while I'm here


A world waits, my order, my social media

As I tick, talk, walk, as I spend my time 

A manifestation of what's truly mine

An offering I share, bringing what I bear

A world so social, needing each other

A bond so common, never can sever

For though what I offer is forged in time

The tip of my lip to the tips of my toes

It's here with me wherever I go


In my lifetime it will be felt where I'll never see

Visit places only imagined, can never be

While in one body locked in space of time

A presence, a following, an audience

Like that spirit that spoke and it was done

Commanded and all stood fast, took notice

As much of this world would do

A presence in me, same as in you

In all hearts we crave, to be what we're not

Hoping that beholding, change comes


While the world's my stage to slide across

Tap dance into hearts, while singing my songs

Playing music from a score, for all to adore

Atop pinnacles of power affect lives every hour

Finally realized, that I too can have a dream

It's hard when no one sees while I'm going up

I too can get to the mountain top and look over

Can take someone by the hand to that land

Encourage such a one; yes you can


As I seek to know from whence I came

My quest to find life's true meaning

Asking questions again and again 

Ever learning, yearning for fullness of truth

Truth of who I am, my purpose for being here

What I bear that's rare or who would truly care


My dear, fellow traveller if the social order

That cannot be contained 

Be allowed to spill over, thus affect a world 

Visit places I will never see, nor can be

Heard of others, wished I'll be, calling for me

While souls of like passions living here

That I will never come to know

Breathing the same air, having the same needs

Desires to be loved, accepted, appreciated

Will look at me and longed to be just as 


While all who've ever lived are in their graves 

Once occupied this space, this sense of time

I've read their stories, philosophies, sage advice

Would've loved to share it alongside them 

Yet I look to Another Who lived like no other 

A presence unlike all to unlock the grave

Whom all nature took notice, bowed in worship

While men of a higher order chose to ignore

Implore for a sign of something more


Forged by time, while short for all, as mine

The world may know that I was here

If given a moment to look, not given to care

Would leave us a treasure forged by pressure From all that was against, That which was love 

I too, have to produce it amidst life's pressure

As what's formed within goes from that shared in this life 

To what's prepared for that yet to come


Related Topics
Life, Mankind, Reflective

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.