Love Of Wisdom, Wisdom Of Love

November 07, 2023

Love of wisdom, Wisdom of Love


It's been our concern from our origin

The one thing we inquired into yet vaguely 

The ancients peered into it, wondering 

Still amazed, found like all, while pondering 


In much hope love will be sought after 

In eros, philia, ludus, agape, pragma, philautia

Our desires to know its truest meaning 

Still falling short of its essence


Love cannot be limited to time nor space 

He is unreachable, ever knowing, ever existing 

As life given to men, choice to the human race

Yet profoundly everywhere beyond conception


From it all came, all consist, all is known

Nothing happens without His awareness

Never had a beginning, a present, an ending

Is not subject to any of matter


The unseen worlds know of His presence 

Testifies of His power to change, to transform

All obey, for from Him all came, and exist by Him

In His presence time melts away, all conform


What we can't see doesn't say no to existence

The wind touches us in many ways in reminder

We need the air we can't touch to live

More of what we can't see, we need to survive 


For many, seeing our state, questioned 

The love of wisdom, in our many schools

The word still holds true at its core

That of love, even to inquire we do so in love


Yet higher is The Wisdom of Love, life source

Contained, unborrowed, underived, is life 

In Whom all live, move, have their existence

When we became, we were known


Our search for wisdom, is found at its fullest

In The Wisdom of Love, if we lack, 

The invitation is given to ask, it will be given

Depart from evil, is wisdom, understanding


At the heart of, the essence of wisdom is love 

We didn't first love, rather first was given love

God is nothing else in essence but love 

One be of love, can only give unconditionally 


While as enemies estranged, from our source 

From the very core of our being, our love

One would risk loving, even when divorced 

All that came, testifies to such love 


As all was in this Wisdom Of Love, waiting 

It is that God is everything as it is in Him 

This Love that is Wisdom contained man

As man contained the woman


Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh 

Would hearken back to when Wisdom of Love

Gave a part of Himself in man, as man was in God

Man was not God, God was not man, 


The Wisdom Of Love, looked on in pleasure

Everything in man designed, built to measure 

Thus, the Godman was not God, yet the image

Can love, the image of God made it possible 


The Wisdom Of Love, while many seek after 

Embark on life's pursuits of ever knowing 

Only to end up not knowing that which cannot be known

For to be known will be to limit oneself 


Unsearchable if Such Love is everywhere

An unsearchable Wisdom Of Love 

It is for that love the second Adam came

God as man, man as God, yet submissive 


The Wisdom of Love is man's truest self

The grave and death will always be an enemy

Hence, we cry, we grieve, we worship our dead

It was never to be from Love that is Life 


Like Him we cry, "Why hast thou forsaken me"

We cry out in love, for to truly love is to give

We give it to our loved ones, those we truly care

Hence, we cry out in love at our separation 


In our love of wisdom, we have strayed

The Wisdom of Love where all is resident 

Just asked of us simply in love to obey 

Yet ignorant, our darkness, enlightenment 


In our departure, our rest on becoming

The Wisdom of Love a presence near

That which was stripped away from living

All eyes wait to reopen, ears eager to hear

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God, Spirituality

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.