A Father

A Father


I never knew you, neither you me 

How can it be that one can be born

Yet feel at his heart that missing piece


This yearning to know his begining in time

What was mine

What gave me this body I'm in

Is it a sin to be born in this skin

Not to ever know why to be born

Not knowing from whom you came

Whence you came, what's more to my name


Questions I asked, never an answer

Yet to know in my deepest recesses that silence will always be

For the bottomless pit of my being no one is there

To declare I'm here, my dear I'm he that you look for, I care


Yet as I can touch you and never will

As I will never hear you say my son be still 

I will never know the warmth of your embrace

The rugged beauty of your face

Those strong arms to guide me from danger

Sparing me from pains that I will suffer


I will fall, falter, suffer for lack of you

I have cried in wishful hope, only if I knew

The path I've trodden, falter no few

It would so different for one moment with you


Yet A Father knows the way I should go 

Promised to never give up, leave me alone

When I falter, when I fail He comes, He guides me home

I am not asking for you anymore

For the answers I expect will never come

Not in this life


He who knew me before I was conceived 

Is all I have to received 

My being is real cause I can feel Him deep in my soul. 


Related Topics
Reflective, Life, Family

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.