The Light


The light


In your presence, darkness flees 

It finds a place to try and hide

Yet in such for all it frees

We stay here, in you we abide


In our chaos before cosmos 

A voice from eternal realms spoke

All hidden came into focus

Emanations see all take note


In every creation light must come

Shine on the path that leads to change 

A world begs for it to become

A new you emerged, life rearranged 


Your appearance brings cleansing 

From you all lights emanate

Our source, our beginning, our healing

Nurtures all life as it propagates


Our light, the eyes in this body

Limited though it be for to see 

Cannot see for us perfectly

Others in nature see colors as a sea


You are everywhere, all need you

A world without you, brings nothing to view

As moons our light merely reflects you 

The light that makes all wonderfully new


Dwelling in immortal light unapproachable

Exposed to a faint view, our skin shine too

Sees all created by your unknowable  

Your profoundness, beyond our faint view


As the light of the world, you came our way

Vield in flesh to shine in all our dark places

Would we in darkness remain, forever stay 

Or allow our path be brightened today


The way, the truth, the life came as you 

Showed the way, revealed truth, created life 

The light of all, wonders not so few

Transfigured to show life as light


Light that once covered us before our shame

Will once again enter in from which we came

To be consumed yet live as when we became

One at last, clothed again, to never be the same


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God, Reflective, Spirituality

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.