Ode To God

Ode to God


With much trepidation, if allowed, to imagine, to peer

Would I dare enter with fear, it is too profound a reality

Where no present, past or future exist, eternity is swallowed 

Never a begining is past, to never die is present, to never not know is future

How can finite mind grasps such essence, meaning, infinite 


Light ever emanate to consume any that approach 

My skin penetrated by lumens, glows beyond the brightness of all luminaries

Drawn in, if allowed to get a faint view; changes are felt within 

Worship wells up, as all will, in minds left with some sanity do

I Desire more in fellowship than my necessary food, as those who know


I was built for this; to worship, to adore such profoundness

Beholding, I bow in humble adoration, even veneration

Attracted to this is my social awareness, I'm truly at my best

I'll always find no rest until I'm ushered into this peaceful presence


A consuming presence I find beyond a cloud by day, a fire at night

Felt, seen, everywhere, can I hide, flee or ignore you

Given more sight I'll see others around me, and how they pay homage

I like all live, move, and have my being after your image

As a seed, generations are in my bowels, I'm okay as one 


One, when strayed and lost will know how much you care

Alone, lost my way, sold out one day, you gave, a price to pay

Would I, if out of curiosity asked to see your face

Allow to be consumed or graciously be hidden in the cleft of a rock?


Where light and darkness are one, they kiss each other 

A void, deeper that all black holes in the great unknown

In there as everywhere you look out at me, my consistency is you

I so faintly see, there is so much more to eternally uncover

I'm left to wonder, this body of mine, a creature given to time


Vision into your unfathomable presence, see a wheel within a wheel

A tree excitedly lit up in exuberance, yet doesn't burn

Planets dance their way across the floor of your imagination, yet do not collide 

Waves stood still, quietly bow in your presence, inviting you to walk on them


The great deep obey, going so far and no farther

They separate, forming a foaming path to walk on

All visible and invisible by virtue of life, testify to your glory and power 

Like all, I attest to this, as becoming flesh to live and die

No region will be unexplored coming to so low from so high 


Invited I am to enter into such intelligence, reasoning maintained

Who can fully grasp that of the eternal while a subject of time

I'll be forever delving into the mysteries of the eternal, never to fully attain

Protected as will all, I as finite by infinite, time by eternity

Reasoning is not fully present if not fully allowed


This I can reason, like all into this state not having any part 

When in realization I came to know me, and my estate

My personhood as the soil under my feet,  my aura, the air I breath, unlike any other 

I didn't come from a big bang, but carefully, fearfully made

I'm left to conclude, as some like me, this must be


What is there to search if everywhere bear witness

It is impossible to search when it will come to no finding 

Finding suggest lost, and we can't find a spirit that's always there, even everywhere


Our sanity is contained by this, pronouns we use to describe show inaccuracy

Can a spirit be named he, she,they, he is all this and more

Can love be named, be touched, be contained?

A spirit, a love asked to be seen by inquisitive minds cannot be, but experienced


Speechless to explain your omnipresence where there's fullness of joy

Grappling in folly we have become fools in our sage sayings

How can the creatures fully comprehend their creator

When thought can simply be made manifest as it was already perceived


Moreso disturbing is this, choice will be given to all to love or not 

In omniscience you will allow creatures to choose you or not

When hearts questioned, doubts arose, while no mystery for you

Yet for choice, you who knew our frames before presentation of the masterpiece 


Daring our source, our life, our existence, only you can understand

Only you can open our eyes to see wondrous things beyond our imagination

For some who got faint glimpses, the life, the body given

These broken vessels are in a holding place eagerly await for another

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.