I Am Blessed

I Am Blessed


To be born of a woman

No there's so much more

For before I took up residence in her womb 

He knew me, in thought, in form 

In eternity He who ever, for ever is eternity

Placed me where I ought to be


The expressed, manifestation of His infiniteness 

Created after His image and likeness

This body I'm in which sees a drop of rain

Yet not grasp the rainbow formed by the light passing through

Reminds me so much more that I never knew

A promise for all, not just a few


Who speak a thousand worlds into existence 

Just by a mere thought

Can speak it and it's here, there, everywhere

There is nowhere, where He's not there

The question is asked, 'how can this be'?

There is much more, my eyes can't see


Of creatures below my very feet 

Which by being here we meet and greet

I cannot see them with eyes I've been given

But that very fact says they're here

Living, breathing, existing by Him

Life inherent, can think it, speak it, breath it into being


Can't I not say I'm truly blessed

When awaken from sleep

My heart still beats, though I'm not awake

I'm only here by and for His sake


Time has a past, present and future 

Him who ever, is outside of time

Has now given to me a hope sublime

That the body that I'm in, ravaged by sin

Will gave way to another for me to live in


Deep calls unto deep as worlds we know not 

Listen to hear that voice speak 

From waters of the lake hearing 'Peace Be Still'

To every matter created by Him 

Though diverse in form and function 

Complements the unison of the whole 


All that can be seen by human eyes 

Others not seen but exist to be seen by others

Show the infiniteness of Him who ever liveth

Can take any form even to come and die

For all mankind unworthy as I 


So much more is there to be seen 

Bodies as these will not withstand 

The complexities willing to be shown

The time will come in which all will be revealed

Yet so much more is concealed 


That light that lighted every matter 

Atom and all else known and that still unknown

Which spake and it was done 

Commanded and it stood fast 

Piercing the womb, will again pierce the tomb


For how can the finite grasp hold of the infinite

How can that housed in a body comprehend that with none

Cannot be contained in time and space

Forever learning and never fully learning 

For only God can be God

For this I'm truly blessed. 


Related Topics
Mankind, Reflective, Life, Mortality

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.