

Before matter, Everything that matters is

The continuum of a present reality 

Without beginning, ending, ever living

How do we ever understand, grapple

Reasoning, cognition turns to madness

A thin line has broken, insanity steps in


So limited, finite, transient to understand 

Peer into the Infinite, darkness and light are one

Everywhere is that which cannot be contained 

Whereby everything consists, exists

Beyond reasoning, beyond cognition 


I came one day on this way, only to realize

I'm just a being living in this scene

No choice to come, yet what was offered

I am the result of it, as I grew, I knew

To trust, I'll rely, dare not deny

A Higher Power, that thinks, speaks life

Matter comes from That which matters


Before all, was faith, all given a measure

One thing common to all, must treasure

It's our life itself, even when we disbelieve 

To dare faith, will take faith to not perceive

Evidence is clear everywhere to behold 

Wondrous works, continually appear, 

The vastness of it all, still more, yet to be told


Can faith truly be denied, how dare we live

It's the path to pleasing, to living 

To go the edge, let go, fall into the unknown 

Trusting an outcome will be shown

Inside the unknown, we will risk life itself 

Trust even when slain, to live not to self


We will need you; for before we came

We were known by another name 

There is faith as long as this power liveth 

As long as life this power continually giveth 

Such ways that are passed finding out 

Unsearchable, all knowing, fools do doubt


Where the grave and life are the same 

The light and the darkness are one 

When the life is taken, and joy comes

When we call and there is silence 

Look for signs of a presence; nothing

Is there truly nothing, there is always something


This power, before all matter came

Ever dwells in continuum of present 

It behooves us dwelling in temples of flesh

Understand this as not very important 

That which all senses engaged is transient 

We got these for the choice that we made


As our temples, crack, fall apart with time

Daily to realize nothing we have is truly mine

To let it all go as nothing we brought 

A life lived the many things we sought

A faith as air is more than for the just

It demands our all, more than we trust


A time will come when matter will beg

Continually request from Everything Matters

Change for the presence in which all is new

Living a reality not so few

We beg of faith for all so honored 

Who chose to leap into the unknown


What more can be said of those who've lived 

Who venture to go all the way, beyond sight 

Fall into the abyss of substance hope for

If caught, cherish the evidence for more 

Ok, if slain, cut asunder, lives taken

Temples are but a holding place; a forsaken 


Such consolation, shared by those of time

Who slept, await, for that most sublime 

They not only lived by faith 

They lived by God

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.