My Annihilation


My Annihilation



As the moth is drawn irresistibly, helplessly towards the light 

On wings from a place of being in the darkness of night

A creature left longs to know that which attracts to its destruction

An appointment as it approaches the point of annihilation


My intense longing here is to know what's in there from what's out here

Attracted by every fiber of my being to approach in godly fear 

So close as to be consumed in the flames of a light, of a fire

It's the one thing that is ever present, this fire of my desire 


That which attracts yet consumes me is beautiful to recreate the best 

An awesome presence is my annihilation finally oh what sweet rest

An intense yearning in the darkness of a body drawn to the light

I escape all that encumbered this creature of the night, now at one with the light 


A dwelling place where the light and the darkness are the same

Drawn as if to know, curious for all that's left when consumed by the flame

Here unlike anywhere the greatest expression of being finds impatient relief 

Nothing truly matters but to know, enter, and be released, in the absence of grief


Where all in me a struggle now gave way to surrender 

Seeking to deny, defy the revulsion the heat from the light draws me closer

In the warmth of your embrace, I'm comforted to know death can be slow 

In the passage of time first given, now a reality to glow


This light as a fire that attracts me to be drawn so near 

One in the shadows of their darkest night approaches in godly fear 

All that is of this a dwelling of flesh, given that helplessness to corruption

The light that beckons in the darkness of night attracts one to annihilation 


Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.