Because They Knew Him

Because They Knew Him


This lonesome figure, this specimen of a man

Came to be for all who lived and now can 

Coming for all, our destiny tied in one

Eternity step into time, into a body like mine

Such mystery shown, a love yet unknown

Unseen visitors from beyond looked on

Some for good, some for not

Some if given a choice instead will come 

Some given a choice dare to destroy


By your word came worlds known and unknown

Thoughts manifested, possible if not spoken

See their state, their estate, seen by some

Not by all, due to the fall, now a world broken

Where one strayed, one came and obeyed

Where earthly men you create, kings they are

You came as no earthly potentate

All ever created and loved by you, worshipped

Yet for love you lay it aside to come

To come so lowly a one, to die if but for one 

What love! 


Eyes given to peer beyond this bleak break 

This break in the continuum of eternity 

Where by thy word majestic beings became

See raphael, archangel, teraphims, seraphims Still others yet to be known, yet to be shown

Science yet to explain, worlds you brought forth, still to be told and yet still more to be known

I am tempted to asked where does it all ends

This will as all, just a vain attempt my friend


By a word spoken, breath, thoughts manifested

Beauty behold like no other, and yet there is so much more 

Peering into eternity so much yet to explore

They all worship, they all bow in homage


Authority like this can only be lived, the very essence of life unborrowed, underived

A presence that's life, a life eternally present 

The essence of it all, long ago before the fall

You mingled with men, seen by others, unseen 

As they cry out aloud not be destroyed

Commanded to hold their peace

A voice like none other, calls life to cease

They like all, obey the life giver's call

Because they knew you now, as before the fall

They knew you for what you can do

Such authority lived in flesh, lived for all

Spoke like no other, dwelt here to suffer, after the fall

Will die for all, for all of humanity

A choice for Him, a choice for eternity


Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.