
November 07, 2023



As the sun rises greeting me with a smile

A setting sun tell me the day is done

I'll always know you before I me

You took me through my stay for a while


I'm ready to come through this passage 

The one only designed for me to be free

As you make ready for my grand entry 

I'm out now ready to take on a world 


Little would I know you're such a part of me

Every move I make, every breath I take

You're as life to me, I must have you

If I don't, then I'll truly die, daily I see


You are my constant if I am to survive 

As I live, I'll need you to thrive 

I'm at my best when I have you here 

Always present, showing me, you care


Others came this way, would dare to say

You're never what we want, never enjoy

Yet all the while we know we need you 

How else will we ever hope to grow 


To blossom into the purpose meant for us 

The life meant to be lived despite the pain 

The pain of you, that brings out all that's true

The certainty of our lives we cannot avoid 


We will be called out from the familiarity 

To enter territories unentered by many

It's the opportunity to plunge into the unknown

It's what make a life worth the living 


We see your smile; we hear your voice in the air

It is seen and felt everywhere, in the cycle 

The rain that comes after it falls again

Nothing that's alive ever remains the same


As all around speaks to us in unison 

We look not as yesterday, a different person

In living, we die daily, we prepare for it

The outfit that's next is our hope to fit

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Life, Wisdom

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.