My Island Girl

January 28, 2024


My Island Girl


Closer to me than all in the world

Came from my side, my joy, my pride, my pearl

Close to my beating heart, from the start

This girl's my world, my soul 


Then no sooner she came, I called her name

Waiting to hear her voice time and again

Should I not know, that waiting by the sea

The one made, fashioned, built for me

Is not here, maybe elsewhere, over hills

In vales, streams flowing by, waters a chill 


There are many a girl, hanging out in the world

Yet none means more to me, as my island girl 

Where sun meets sea, surf breaks the shore 

My heart ever beats for you, more and more

I hold in my hand, the sand of this land 

Where palm tree sways to a carnival band

Where the sea is here, never far away

Rivers and falls abound, where we could play


Sun in my face, breeze through the trees

Where fruits abound to be picked at ease

I'm embraced by the moon of this place

Where music fills the air, nature's everywhere

My frauliner, my maiden, to see your face

I'll hold you in a warm embrace


I'll wait for you my fair one, here by the sea

Where others walk by catching glimpses of me

Gifts are many, so few will know 

Waters lapping at my feet, sands in my toes

Rest and relax here is all I do

With the sun in my face and you not in view

As surf meets white sand, creating designs

Torquios blue water, begs us to take a swim

Wish you were here so waters can ripple on our  skin

Such a fun place, holding life at its own pace

I'll wait for you, as nature's sounds fill the air 

I'll wait here for you, my love so fair

By the sea breathing this island's air