You are all around everywhere I go
Amidst an orchestra that gently plays
Wind instruments in dancing leaves
In response, swaying, delightfully ruffle
A howl so dear as you seek my attention
Not far away surf caresses the shore
Sand at my feet, hearts I dare to draw
Foam in keys I hear as I'm sitting here
Creatures abound songs so clear as music to my ear
Birds up high remind me to look up and be inspired
A symphony of sound helps fill the air
All play their part in attempts to survive
Songs I hear for a world that's alive
A mountain blows its top to get my attention
In the lives of men, there is too much to mention
Hear water that descends in rain and snow
It falls as to remind me everywhere I go
A world unseen speaks in copious sounds all around
When I awoke out of sleep in a joyous greet
Soon to know the symphony within me
Sounds I hear everywhere resident here
Once possessed by another who failed
I would count it all joy to have what was lost
An evil set to destroy me for sounds at all cost
Immersed in all of this is a familiar sound
I will hear it if I care only to listen
Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.