If we return to the existence from which we came
Having been exposed to the lights of another place
Where we longed for what was lost amidst great pain
The air we breathe was not meant to last in this state
Where time was never our friend as eternity cry
Tears fall when we leave for another existence
Hope begs that we will miss all that was and come home
Where to once again join in our eternal presence
Where having a life to call our own like no other
Time a transition from clouds of gray to lights of an eternal day
Where so much awaits us to uncover
In beauty for now ashes, why wait in this or delay
When this night of time gives way to a day of endless delights
Where all like flowers bloom eternally a spectacle
In bodies of glorious lights, we take our flights
Nothing to deter us as once upon a time, it was our only obstacle
Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.