


Some time ago, all will painfully come to know

When in our innocence we came from a place

Where the temperature was right, now many a cloud are in sight 

Some weren't as fortunate, others who came were let down


Promises made were not kept as all born will be touched 

The effects are plain to see, to feel, to live as beyond a shadow 

In the darkest of night or in the brightest of day

Your presence is never far away, as you promised to always be with us


No sooner we will come to know of the body  given to us

For all its youth and strength while growing, dies momentarily

It comes naturally as life and death exist in the space we dwell 

This juxtaposition is our very life, as we see what once was, and now is 


We live out what we are, the aches, the pains remind us, we are right on schedule for the inevitable

When desires fail, our bodies grow frail, loss of loved ones cause us to wail

The windows to our soul slowly close, to eventually shut

The keepers of the gate, loose their post, change color and fall out


Fading memory now reminds us, once we were young, now we are old

This blanket that covers us, detects the cold, and keeps us warm 

It looses it firmness, no sooner tells us, no amount of tightening will ever do

With mobility slowing down, we dare not fall, cause now we'll have a reason to call

These towers now riddled with pain, with swelling now, we'll need a cane


The strength of youth fully gone, the child in us again now fumble on

The days we were aloted, now lived and past 

The end of our road we know is coming fast

One question looms in our head, "was it worth it all, the course I led?" 

My mirror of life I now look at, see what I am and console myself with some regrets

All born into time will be prepared for one more encounter yet

Chris G Peters


Chris G Peters were born on the most southerly gem in the necklace of islands spanning the Caribbean Sea. Here where the sun shines differently and set as though kissing the horizon, where coral reefs blooms, surf greets the sand, musical rendition of waves pounding the shore. A salty mist is in the air and the verdant beauty of nature abounds everywhere. Learn more.