Glad you stop by. Searching for answers to life's many intriguing questions? Truth be told, there will always be more questions than answers, live long enough, and life will teach us this painful reality. If you would allow yourself, we hope this will be a welcome space where you will find thought provoking content that will attempt to offer some answers, hopefully inspire you to see a purpose behind every incident in your life, as well as the wider world. There is an ultimate purpose behind it all, as you will blink at the light, appreciate a greater good, prosper in positivity, and come to terms with the path of your earthly journey. 

Is life unfair, cruel, dark, grim, and lonely? At times it can be, and then the shadows vanish, situations change, and we enter into seasons of liberation, light and fulfilment. We are however painfully aware for some, because of your environment, and what you have had to adapt to, and accept as normal, the nightmares of your lives never seem to end. We encourage you to push on, never quit, the space given to you in this life while uniquely yours, yet with dertermination to live out the true meaning of your coming, the darkness will finally give way to the dawn. 

We hope what you read will help inspire healing, bring life's situations into perspective, and help to answer some of your heart-long questions. Life for all its twists and turns was never meant to be perfect, even linear, it was meant to be lived, while extend helping hands to others. Your space of existence can see change, as such life at its best, is lived in philosophical questions, to find answers to life's difficult issues. Wisdom comes as we live out our truest meaning and purpose, alongside others on this planet. You will live with billions of like souls for a life time, never to meet them, yet all have the same basic needs; to love, be loved, seen, heard, appreciated, and to dream. There is an invaluable treasure in each earthen vessel, beyond that which is visible, so treasure it, develop it. Greater is the esteem of the invisible than the visible. May you find your hidden treasure, purpose; then meaning and clarity will shine forth, and perchance you may help another fellow seeker along life's way, see the light that shines on their pathway home. Let peace accompany you on your journey!!

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